eBook Collection Drive

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We have expanded our collection to give our library patrons free access to over 4,000 multi-user and featured eBooks. The Boundless unlimited collection allows for multiple patrons to borrow eBooks at a time, and our featured eBooks help shorten wait-lists for popular books. This includes not only New York Times Bestsellers, but a wide range of Pre-K through 12th grade fiction and non-fiction titles. From crafts, cooking, gardening and science to history, comedy and suspense, this collection can help you and your family with eLearning or recreational reading.

​We have heard from our patrons that the hold lists are just too long! We even received donations to buy eBooks for our patrons to shorten the wait time. Boundless is our answer to shorten waitlists and make popular titles more available for patrons at home.

Please Consider Donating here through PayPal to add more titles.

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Check Out our New Boundless eBook collection.