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Need more to Read?

During the COVID-19 closure, Delaware County residents can get a library card by filling out the online form here. We will email you back your library card number which will give you immediate access to all our online resources including eBooks, audiobooks, and databases.

Browse and download Audiobooks, E-books here.  You can also explore our vast collection with Libby. Libby is an extremely easy-to-use app that guides you through your library’s online offerings. You can learn more about this free app here, or get started right away with the Libby Web App! Just have your Library Card ready and she’ll show you the rest!

Browse through our free online magazines here. 

Coming Soon: Your library, Media-Upper Providence, has purchased our own e-book collection of over 4000 titles, including books on the New York Times Bestsellers List, and titles on long hold lists by our patrons. This will allow multiple patrons to borrow high-demand e-books at the same time, ending long hold lists. Check back for more information when this service is live. We will also be taking purchase requests.